Common Myths about SAP Support

With every new product launch by SAP, there is a need to educate about its impact on the existing SAP user base. Majority of questions that surround each release pertains to the support that would be provided by SAP for that version. While some are facts that need to be clarified, others are myths to be demystified.

SAP’s deadline to migrate to S/4HANA by 2025, has created more turmoil around SAP support.

Enterprises are exploring more options for SAP support now more than ever. They are considering third-party SAP support service providers who can reduce the burden of expensive support costs. But there are a lot myths about SAP support. In this article, we discuss these common myths and explore the truth behind them.

Myth #1: SAP is the only source for Support

After implementing an SAP solution, it is often assumed that SAP would be the only option for support services. However, there are efficient and experienced third-party service providers like Savantis who not only provide round-the-clock support, but also provide customized solutions at a more affordable price.

Myth #2: Dropping SAP support can be detrimental to your relationship with SAP

Irrespective of whether you choose to use SAP support or not, you would still continue to be an SAP customer. Being an SAP customer, you can purchase new licenses, innovate, remain secure and interoperable, use SAP tools, and reinstate SAP-provided support.

If you choose a third-party SAP support partner, you become a prospect again for SAP, and the support partner helps you reduce overall vendor maintenance cost. Beyond cost savings, our clients have also found our support more responsive and tailored to their needs.

Myth #3: SAP Support equates to long-term lower TCO

It’s a fallacy that third-party SAP support customers end up having to go back to SAP support where they pay high reimplementation costs to transition again. With third-party SAP support, you get a team of software engineers specialized to deliver tailor-made support solutions at a lower cost. Third-party support services can result in lower TCO in the long-run.

Myth #4: Third-party SAP support agents just push support material

Often, third-party SAP support services are perceived to be 24×7 help desks and nothing more. On the contrary, we offer so much more. As a PCOE certified partner, we ensure that support services are available to you in accordance with SAP terms and conditions, in a more cost-effective model. Our support services provide you access to certified and highly trained SAP technical and functional experts with experience of more than 20 years.

We don’t believe in ‘one size fits all.’ We create customized solutions for your queries. We work closely with you to understand the nuances specific to your organization in order to help you identify areas of improvement. With our recommendations, you can continually optimize the capabilities provided by SAP.

Myth #5: Third-party support solutions make upgrades difficult with their customizations

To pace up with the changing market landscape, you should always choose to use the updated SAP version and third-party support solutions like ours can actually facilitate upgrades instead of hindering them. With our structured approach, we help you implement and maintain only the customizations that you actually need. We ensure flexibility in your business processes so that when it comes to upgrades, you aren’t stuck with time-consuming migrations.

We adhere to SAP standards while recommending and implementing our customized solutions. They also are in tandem with the tax, legal and regulatory updates.

Myth #6: Third-party support services aren’t secure

SAP-provided security or not, access to security patch information is available to you. Apart from the security provided by SAP to its customers, we provide proactive technology stack security and vulnerability protection, in customized patches for your security needs.

Myth #7: Upgrade to stay supported

Many SAP customers have felt compelled to upgrade and pay a premium for the features and capabilities that they don’t need and use. They presume that SAP support is available only if they upgrade themselves to a higher package.

Third-party support providers eliminate this hassle of upgradation. We provide continuous and relevant support to SAP customers of all sizes for the specific course of needs so that you can upgrade when you want and at your own pace.

Choose flexible support scaled to your business needs

Battling in the unknown areas of SAP support can build complexities within your project teams. We constantly pursue solving problems and questions related to SAP, its products, and the support options made available.

As an SAP gold partner, Savantis focuses on helping SAP customers manage and make the most of their SAP investments. Our support services can help you channelize the time, effort and money in innovative programs that enable agility and drive growth.

We ensure that you receive all the functionalities offered in SAP Enterprise Support including root cause analysis, remote services for technical risk assessment, TQC, business process monitoring, SAP solution manager enterprise edition, Service Level Agreements, all applicable patches and upgrades.

You can learn more about our SAP Support services here. Also, you can get in touch with one of our experts to walk you through our services, explaining how we can enable your enterprise to make more of your SAP investment.

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Common Myths about SAP Support

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In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to share with you that the health and safety of Savantis Solutions clients, employees, and the communities we serve is our top priority. It is unfortunate that the entire world has been hostage by this crisis, but we’re all in this together and we want to do everything in our capacity to help stop this.

In this regard, the State of Pennsylvania has announced mitigation efforts for COVID-19, especially for Montgomery County PA which has seen the highest number of cases in the state so far.

Here’s an excerpt from the official announcement by Gov. Tom Wolf.

“In Montgomery County, we are aggressively moving to a mitigation phase, and statewide we are providing guidance to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus,”

Following the guidance, the staff at our US offices will be working remotely until further notice. We assure you that it will be business as usual with no disruption. We will continue to monitor this rapidly changing situation and notify you of any further changes.

Thank you for understanding. Stay safe, everyone!

Allan Vanderheyden
Savantis Solutions LLC